The BBC micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together.

  • Real-world interactivity

    The micro:bit has an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that, when programmed, let it interact with you and your world.

  • Works with App Lab

    Using App Lab students can quickly build apps that communicate with external hardware using our block-to-text app development environment.

Device setup requirements

The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer with an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that you can program and physically interact with.

There are two versions of the micro:bit and both of them work with the Maker unit:

  • micro:bit V1

  • micro:bit V2

Wondering which version you have? Check out the micro:bit guide.

Once you have your device, visit the Maker Setup page to install special software that allows your micro:bit to work with our website.

Getting the micro:bit for your classroom

Buy the micro:bit

BBC micro:bit reseller companies sell the device all around the world.

Buy the micro:bit

Curriculum using the micro:bit has partnered with the Micro:bit Educational Foundation to offer teachers several resources on using the BBC micro:bit device.

Grades 6-12

Creating Apps with Devices

Explore the role of physical devices in computing. Using App Lab and the BBC micro:bit, students develop programs that utilize the same hardware inputs and outputs that you see in the smart devices.

Duration: 25 hours

Grades 2-5

CS Fundamentals Extension Lessons

Extension lessons using the micro:bit for classrooms that have completed CS Fundamentals Course C, D, E or F.


Teaching Creating Apps with Devices

Self-paced online professional learning experience designed to prepare educators to get started teaching the Creating Apps with Devices unit.

Note: A micro:bit device is required to engage with the activities in this professional learning experience